Coeur d'Alene Skeet & Trap Club Newsletter Vol. 3 March 2025
Congratulations to Winter League Period #2 Winners:
Trap Team: The Clean Up Crew
Skeet Team: Stick Peddlers
5-Stand Team: Donohoe Construction
Times listed for shoot off events are approximate. If one event goes quicker than expected, the next event will start earlier than the time listed. If you are a shooter and are not present when your squad is called, you will be forfeited.
Deadline for purchasing Awards Banquet tickets is April 6th.
Targets thrown for February 2025:
781 Trap, 895 Skeet, 425 Five Stand
Opportunity to win a free shooting card!!!
When you complete your 12th round on your shooting cards, turn them into the front desk for entry into a prize drawing. One shooting card prize will be awarded for every 50 cards entered. This drawing will be held monthly at the monthly Board Meeting. You need not be present to win.
March winners are: Rich Pera and Daniel Krueger was drawn twice. Congratulations!!
We would like to give a special thank you to our outgoing Board Members, Elizabeth Hodgkins, Mike Zaidlicz and Bill Alf. These folks have served in their position faithfully and have devoted many hours of hard work for the benefit of the Club. You are GREATLY appreciated!!!
We would also like to welcome the newly elected Board members, Rich Wells and Pat Jennings. We so appreciate you willing to step up to serve the Club!!
One board member position remains open. Anyone interested in serving on the board should contact one of the current board members for information.
Appointments to Board Officer positions were also made:
Ed Wagner, President
Greg Wrigley, Vice President
Becky Pestarino, Secretary
Ben Higgs, Treasurer
An ATA Shoot has been scheduled for April 27th, 2025 and July 26th and 27th. Stay tuned for more details. Volunteers interested in helping with scoring, loading machines and assisting in the operations of hosting a registered shoot are needed. Contact Roger or Becky Pestarino
-Anyone willing to help move cases of birds into the skeet and trap houses would be appreciated.
-Plumbing repairs including the required installation of an RPV valve required by Hayden Lake Irrigation due before 6-30-25.
-Someone to step forward and organize a summer league event. Previous events have been low key with no awards and an end of season cookout. If interested, contact Roger or a Board Member.
If you're interesed in any of these opportunities, or have other ways you'd like to help, contact the Club.
Matt Pestarino, Jim Pestarino and Russ Grant for working on the trap fields getting prepared for the new machine and also making them a more standard height.
Ben Higgs for applying for and being awarded a grant for new shotguns for the club from the NRA.
The meeting between the Kootenai County Commissioners and Idaho Fish and Game on the sale of the club's leased property: IDF&G reported that the appraisal of the property came in at $6.4 million for "clean, uncontaminated land." They will need to prepare a variety of reports and analyses leading to the preparation of an environmental assessment. They expect the process to complete the assessment will take between 12 and 18 months. Until then, the current lease terms are expected to remain in place.
The NRA Banquet will be held at the Best Western Inn on September 6, 2025.
Current availability of shot shell primers has improved and the club has decided to lower the cost of available primers to members. Cheddite primers will now be sold to members at $60 per thousand while supplies last.
The new price of shotgun shells will be $10 per box for members and $12 per box for non-members.
The club has received a grant in the amount of $5,845 from the NRA for the purchase of new club shotguns.
We have recently changed our club status to a 501(c)3 non-profit, which means your charitable contribution of goods or services may be a tax deduction (always check with your tax preparer). Monetary contributions may be made as a general donation or designated to a particular item if desired. Get your donations in for your end of year tax deductions!! Here is a "Wish List" of items the club could use. Thank you for your support and contributions.
Monetary donations
A commercial grade rake for use on the club's tractor to clean up wads and broken birds.
Road base or asphalt grindings for parking area
Gun safe, 24 gun or larger
Wood working for plaques and frames
Voice microphones for shooting fields
Card readers for shooting fields. Allows for the use of digital shooting cards.
Scoring house repairs
Scissor lift for 5-stand
Small water heater for the ladies restroom.
For a list of events happening at the club, please refer to the club website, and click on the "calendar" link.
Detailed financial activity information is posted on the club bulletin board for member viewing.
Board meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month at 4:00 p.m. Members are encouraged to attend!