Coeur d’Alene Skeet and Trap Club
(Revised 12-24)
January 3, 2025
March 23, 2025
Sat., March 29, 2025
Sat., April 12, 2024
Use this link for to access the 2025 Winter League Rules file for downloading, printing, and for a better viewing experience.
(You can also copy paste this link - )
Twenty-five (25) birds (one round) shall be shot for twelve (12) weeks. The shoot week shall begin on Wednesday and end on the following Sunday. Three hundred (300) birds shall be scored for each Skeet, Trap and 5-Stand discipline. Skeet, Trap, and 5-Stand will consist of three (3) four (4) week periods.
Each team will consist of a minimum of 5 to a maximum of 8 shooters. Shooter concurrent categories are:
Rookie (someone that is new to the respective sport with no known ability.)
Junior (age 15-17)
Sub-junior (age 14 and under)
Senior (age 65-72)
Super Senior (73 and above)
Junior, Sub-Junior, Senior and Super Senior status to be determined by age as of the first day of Winter League. In the event a team loses a member, they may add a new member to the team up until the close of week four. In the event a team is not full, eligible shooters may be assigned to that team by club management with the approval of the Team Captain.
All individual shooters will have been classified by club management into classes on the basis of the previous years’ ending classification by discipline. New shooters or anyone that did not participate the previous year, will be classified as such:
Skeet and Trap: First four weeks total scratch score times 3. That total compared to the classification of the previous year will determine their class.
5-Stand: First 4 weeks total scratch score times 3. Same comparison as in Skeet and Trap.
The CDA Skeet and Trap League Rules Committee has the right to request a known ability review of a shooter's record if it appears that he/she is competing in a class other than his/her true level of ability. This request must be in writing. Upon review by the Committee, the shooter may be assigned to a different class.
All Skeet, Trap, and 5-Stand shooters that have completed the 12 week league will be classified by club management for each separate shooting discipline. All shooters that have completed the 12 week league will be placed in a numerical order. The shooter with the highest score will be placed at the top of this list and on down to the bottom shooter . Percentages for each class are then tallied based on the following chart:
AAA 8%
AA 10%
A 10%
B 14%
C 15%
D 18%
E 20%
If any shooters are tied at the dividing point between classes, both shooters will be placed in the higher classification.
Each team will be assessed a fee of $150. The team sponsor fee must be paid in full at the time of the submission of the team roster. If a team needs additional time to pay their fee, they must make arrangements with club management prior to the payment deadline. Teams that have not paid nor received written approval from club management will be disqualified for the entire league. Teams that do not fulfill any payment terms stipulated by management will be disqualified for the entire league.
All teams must be declared, members named and fees paid by the end of the fourth week, Sunday, January 26, 2025. Individuals in a random team pool may be arbitrarily posted to short-roster teams by club management with team captain approval by Sunday, January 26, 2025. No team member may shoot a score round until the team roster has been turned in, reviewed and approved for completeness and accuracy.
It is the sole responsibility of the team captain to see that:
The team roster is completed and submitted to club management on time.
All members of their team review and understand the rules governing winter league.
Every member of the team is a current member of the CDA Skeet and Trap Club.
The team captain is responsible for verifying the concurrent status of all their shooters. (Senior, Super Senior, Lady, Junior, etc.)
The league shall be divided into three (3) periods of four (4) weeks for Skeet, Trap, and 5-Stand. The winners of each, four week period, will have a shoot-off at the conclusion of winter league to determine an overall winner. Team scores will be based on the top five shooters’ handicap scores.
A team can only win one, four week period.
If a team wins more than one period, the team in second place will be eligible for the final shoot-off.
Any ties for a four week period will be broken by adding the top six scores for that four week period.
If there is still a tie, then the tie will be broken by the seventh shooter’s score added, and then on to the eighth shooter’s score added if necessary.
All shooters must declare on the signup sheet if shooting for score. If shooting for score, the shooter shall have their team number marked next to their name on the score sheet.
Any individual shooting without a team number, will be considered as shooting practice.
Shooting scores will be posted in the order in which they have been shot.
All shooters shooting for score are required to have the score sheet marked with the team number prior to leaving the club house. Once a shooter has fired at his or her first bird on that squad, the shooter must finish the round or take a no score unless the Rules Committee determines otherwise. For example, in the case of gun malfunctions that prevent finishing the round or emergencies that require the shooter to leave the field.
Shooters may shoot forward any number of times for team and personal scores, except for 5-stand. They may only shoot ahead to the end of the current period.
The league shall be divided into three periods of four weeks each. Shooters may post their four scores anytime during that period. Once a four week period has ended, shooters may shoot back for a personal score only but not for the team score. In order to qualify for participating in a shoot off, each team member must have posted all scores during the regular Winter League period. In addition, if a team member posts scores after the team has won a period, that team member is disqualified from participating in their team’s shoot off.
Once a squad is called, shooters have three minutes to report to the firing line, whether shooting for score or practice. Any shooter not present at this time will be dropped from the squad. A Trap, Skeet, or 5-Stand squad will consist of a maximum of five shooters if someone on the squad is scoring. Trap and 5-Stand squads must be accompanied by a scorekeeper. A Skeet squad all on the same team shooting for score must be accompanied by a scorekeeper.
The five highest handicapped scores of the team will be counted as the team score for that week.
Each shooter must review and initial his or her score BEFORE LEAVING THE FIELD as all scores will be posted as recorded unless a protest has been properly filed.
Protests must be registered with the scorekeeper IMMEDIATELY before leaving your shooting station if there is a question of a “Lost Bird”. Protests properly filed will be addressed by club management by the end of the day.
If an error in score is discovered, the score will be reviewed, corrected and posted by the designated scorekeeper(s) and an impartial witness.
If there are any mistakes made in posting a score, you must report it within two weeks of posting for review or the score will stand as posted. Mathematical mistakes made in calculating handicaps, adding scores etc., may be reported and corrected up until the four week shooting period is closed.
All scores must be posted in ink. Any corrections must be made by one of the official scorekeepers or an appointed assistant.
Winter league score sheets and team rosters will be kept at the club house until 90 days after the day of the shoot offs, and then discarded.
NSSA/NSCA and ATA rules will be followed except those specifically changed in these rules or as determined by management.
It is the individual’s responsibility to follow all club rules regarding shooting including, but not limited to:
Wearing mandatory eye and ear protection
Utilizing a rubber band or a shell catching device on autoloaders or pumps to keep empty hulls from hitting the shooter next to him/her on the Trap field.
Following safe gun handling procedures (not loading until on station, keeping the action open when not on station, etc.)
Pick up all empty hulls before leaving the field at the end of the round, when it is safe to do so.
Consumption of alcoholic beverages, drugs legal or illegal prior to shooting or on club grounds during shooting hours is strictly prohibited. The only exception is taking legal drugs that do not impair the shooter from performing safely in any way. This is at the sole discretion of the Range Safety Officer (RSO) or club management.
Shells shall not exceed specifications found in factory “Target Loads” for skeet or trap.
Shot no larger than size #7 1/2.
A shell will contain no more than 1 1/8 oz of shot.
A shell will not exceed a 3-dram equivalent load.
All squads are required to shoot on the field assigned to them.
There will be NO coaching or teaching when someone is shooting for a score.
Two (2) malfunctions of ammo and two (2) gun malfunctions are allowed per round for Skeet and Trap. The 3rd shall result as a “Lost Bird”. 5-Stand is allowed three (3) total malfunctions per round. The 4th shall result in a “Lost Bird”.
An obvious faulty shell will be considered an ammo malfunction for winter league.
Failure to shoot at a legal target due to balk, safety on, or flinch is considered a lost bird (no exceptions).
Failure to shoot at a legal target due to not seeing the target is considered a “Lost Bird”.
Any one-man squad shooting for score must be accompanied by an appointed referee/puller.
In order to qualify for winning any individual awards, a shooter must have posted all 12 scores.
If a visible chip has not been observed and verified by the trapper, the bird will be considered a LOST bird.
It is the Club’s specific intention that club management interprets and enforces all rules and their applicability to the league. Disputes should be lodged in a civil and timely fashion with club management. In the event that club management cannot resolve an issue, the club manager may bring the issue to the Rules Committee for resolution. The Rules Committee shall consist of two members from the Board of Directors and at least one club member representing each of the three shooting disciplines. Decisions made by the Rules Committee are FINAL.
Make an audible call of “lost” for all missed targets.
Monitor the malfunctions rule.
Report any situation or “call” not resolved to the club management.
Report any inappropriate or unsafe activity to club management.
If voice calls are not working properly, the score keeper shall hand pull.
Halt all shooting activity until an unsafe situation is corrected.
Weekly handicaps will be calculated from 80% of the lost birds of the previous two weeks and this amount divided by two. EXAMPLE: Total lost birds from the previous weeks are 7, 80% of 7 is 5.6 and half of this amount is 2.8 (rounded up to 3). The handicap is established at 3. The HIGHEST handicap allowed is ten.
Individual handicaps for the first three weeks will be determined by the scores shot during the first two weeks of the league. No handicaps will be carried over from the previous league.
Handicaps will be calculated according to the chart posted on the scoreboards.
Practice is allowed before shooting for score.
Individuals shooting for practice on a squad containing one or more individuals shooting for score must shoot standard rounds and extend all PROPER SHOOTING COURTESIES. Proper shooting courtesy includes, but are not limited to: staying in the area of the station or on the station being shot and not disrupting the shooter via talking or standing within the shooter’s peripheral vision (skeet). No coaching or teaching allowed.
League Champions shoot offs will be held on Saturday, March 29, 2025.
Teams are to be present at the same time with the team members shooting prepared and on time.
The team with the best five handicapped scores will be the winner of the shoot off. If there is a tie after a round is shot, the tie will be broken first by the 6th shooter’s score. If there is still a tie then the tie will be broken by the 7th shooter’s score and then on to the 8th shooter’s score if necessary.
Handicaps for team shoot offs for 5-Stand will be based on the average handicap of all three (3) league periods. Handicaps for team shoot offs for trap and skeet will be the average of an individual’s handicap during the period in which the team won.
In order to qualify for participating in a shoot off, each team member must have posted all scores during the regular Winter League period. Any person participating in the shoot offs for more than one team in any discipline will shoot only one round. The score for that round will apply to all teams that person is a member of.
In the event that there is a tie for an individual award, there will be a shoot-off on the day of the Championship shoot offs. Any person not present at the shoot offs will forfeit.
SKEET INDIVIDUAL TIES: Ties will be broken by shooting doubles according to NSSA rules from stations 3, 4, and 5, miss and out by station. If at the end of station 5, individuals are still tied, stations 5, 4 and 3 will be shot with the low house shot first on stations 5 and 4. This order will continue until the tie is broken.
TRAP INDIVIDUAL TIES: Ties will be broken by having shooters fire 2 shells from each of the five positions (10 birds) at the 16 yard line. If still tied, each remaining shooter will fire 2 shells from each of the 5 positions (10 birds) from the 24 yard line. If still tied, each remaining shooter will fire 2 shells from each of the 5 positions (10 birds) from the 27 yard line until the tie is broken.
5-STAND INDIVIDUAL TIES: A tie will be broken by having the shooters fire the true pairs from each of the 5 shooting stations (10 birds). In the event of a tied score after the first round of true pairs, the trapper will establish new true pairs for each of the 5 shooting stations (10 birds).
HI HANDICAP AWARD: In the event an award is given for the team member with the highest handicap score, and two or more members of the same team tie for the award, the award will go to the team member having the highest scratch score.
The 5-Stand Winter League will be conducted in accordance with the NSCA 5-Stand rules except where these rules are inconsistent with the following and in that case the following shall prevail:
Shall be handicapped per set
Shall consist of three (3) four (4) week periods.
Machines will be set and not changed for each four (4) week period. Shooters must post scores on each individual machine set.
Shooting scores will be posted in the order in which they have been shot 5. If a score is not posted prior to a set change then a no-score shall be taken.
Participants may fire two shells at the single target. If the target is hit with the first shell, the shooter must open the action of their firearm before shooting proceeds. Gun barrels are to remain between the upright poles of each shooting cage when loaded. Shooters must remain in the shooting cage until all shooters have completed their station.
A PERPETUAL TROPHY to the sponsor of the skeet division champions (high scratch)
A PERPETUAL TROPHY to the sponsor of the skeet division champions (high handicap)
A PERPETUAL TROPHY to the sponsor of the trap division champions (high scratch) A PERPETUAL TROPHY to the sponsor of the trap division champions (high handicap)
A PERPETUAL TROPHY to the sponsor of the 5-Stand division champions (high handicap)
A PERPETUAL TROPHY to the sponsor of the 5-Stand division champions (high scratch)
High Overall Trifecta (scratch) for Skeet, Trap and 5-Stand combined HAA High Overall (scratch) for Skeet and Trap combined HOA
High Overall (scratch) Senior for Skeet and Trap combined
High Overall (scratch)Super-Senior for Skeet and Trap combined
High Overall (scratch) Junior for Skeet and Trap combined
High Overall (scratch) Sub-Junior for Skeet and Trap combined
High Overall (scratch) Lady for Skeet and Trap combined
High gun (scratch) Skeet
High gun (scratch) Trap
High gun (scratch) 5-Stand
High gun (scratch) concurrent winner for each of skeet, trap and 5-stand to include Lady, Super-Senior, Senior, Junior, Sub-Junior.
High gun (scratch) shooter on each team (skeet, trap and 5-stand)
High gun (handicap) shooter on each team (skeet, trap and 5-stand)
To determine scratch winners, the actual broken targets for the twelve weeks will be used. If tied, a shoot off will occur on Shoot Off day.
To determine handicap winners, the actual total handicap score will be used. If tied, it will go to the shooter with the highest scratch score.