Copyright © 2022 Coeur d’Alene Skeet & Trap.
Hours of Operation
Winter Hours September - May
Wednesday, Friday 11:00am to 4:00pm
Saturday & Sunday 9:00am to 4:00pm
Closed: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday

Summer hours (June, July, August)
Wednesday, Friday 9:00am to 2:00pm
Saturday & Sunday 9:00am to 4:00pm
Closed: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday

The Coeur d'Alene Skeet & Trap Club is focused on shotgun sports for the whole family. The club offers trap fields, skeet fields (with Wobble) & a 5-stand course. We do not offer rifle or pistol shooting facilities.

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Membership: $150 Individual / $200 Family. June-October: Individual $95 / Family $145
Member: $8.50/Skeet & Trap $9.50/5-stand
Non-Member: $13.00/Skeet & Trap $14.00/5-stand

Jr. Rounds (Age 17 & Under):
Member: $8.00 (Skeet & Trap)
Non-Member: $12.50 (Skeet & Trap)
Punch Cards (Members Only): $102 (Skeet & Trap); $114(5-stand); $96 (Junior)

In an effort to uphold our commitment to safety, any member or non-member not familiar to the staff will be required to be accompanied on the field by a staff Range Safety Officer. If its your first time shooting on our range you will be accompanied by an RSO for a weapons safety check. Availability of the Range Safety Officer is limited, so please call ahead for an appointment.

The club is open to both members and the public.

PC: @mjphotography_nature
Policy Regarding Closing of Fields at CDA Skeet and Trap Club

The "last call" for use of the Trap and Skeet fields will be 30-minutes prior to posted "closing" times (i.e. either 3:30 PM if the posted closing time for that day is 4 PM, or 1:30 PM if the posted closing time for that day is 2 PM).

"Last call" and closing for 5-Stand will be at 1-hour prior to posted closing time (i.e. 3 PM or 1 PM as the case may be). This rule respects the safety of those who will be closing the skeet and trap fields 30 minutes later.

"Last Call" is defined as that time after which no new shooters will be able to take the fields. However, those shooters already on the fields, with the exception of 5-Stand as stated above, will be allowed to finish shooting up to the posted time for closing the club.

Early closing of the fields in cases where there are no shooters and none reasonably expected will be at the discretion of the manager but in most cases, the "last call" and closing rules will always apply.

Winter League 2025

1st Period Team Winners:

Trap:  JD Automotive
Skeet:  Donohoe Construction
5-Stand:  The Crushers

2nd Period Winners:

Trap:  The Clean Up Crew
Skeet:  Stick Peddlers
5-Stand:  Donohoe Construction